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Penny Sargent*

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Penny Sargent* was discouraged when the planned mountain retreat out of her “large, busy, grey, East Asia city” was cancelled. “I was grasping for solace and God brought it in the most unexpected way,” Penny shared.

That same week, the Lord opened the door for Penny to meet with three unbelieving women. She began to meet with them regularly, and within two months, all three of these women experienced Christ personally and placed their faith in Him.

Months later, COVID-19 raged across the country and made it impossible for the women to reconnect with Penny. “I did not know how little time I had left to introduce these women to Jesus, Whom they would need to carry them through those dark days. But God did.”

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PRAY for Penny’s ministry in East Asia and for these women she has discipled as they grow in their knowledge and faith of Jesus.

*Name changed for security

For more about this story, visit: