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Resolution On Providing Ministry To Homeless Americans

WHEREAS, Southern Baptists are Bible believers who seek to follow all of Jesus’ teachings, including “clothing the naked, feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, and providing lodging to strangers,” and

WHEREAS, There are approximately two million homeless Americans who need Southern Baptists to bring the gospel to their homeless lives; and

WHEREAS, Children, parents, single men and women are affected by the main causes of homelessness which are mental illness, alcohol and drug abuse, urban reconstruction projects, divorce, and spouse or child abuse.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the messengers of the Southern Baptist Convention, meeting in St. Louis, Missouri, June 16-18, 1987, further commit to work with the homeless through local churches, associations, state conventions, the Home Mission Board, and the Christian Life Commission; and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That whenever possible Southern Baptists work with other denominational bodies and governmental agencies to resolve the issues which cause homelessness.