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Resolution On Beverage Alcohol As A Hazard

WHEREAS, Alcoholism is reported to be the nation’s fourth ranked health problem, and it is admitted by all medical groups that problem drinking is a great health hazard in the United States, and

WHEREAS, Studies have shown that at least 50 percent of all the fatal automobile accidents in America are associated with the consumption of alcoholic beverages, and

WHEREAS, There is evidence linking the drinking of alcoholic beverages to a large percentage of the major crimes committed in the United States, and

WHEREAS, A major portion of the problems encountered by our courts, welfare departments, and law enforcement officials, and in the crisis counseling done by ministers is directly related to the use of alcohol as a beverage, and

WHEREAS, The alcohol beverage industry is brazenly and fraudulently making claims that its products are the way to a more fruitful and happy life,

Therefore, be it RESOLVED,
(1) That we the messengers of the 1971 Southern Baptist Convention go on record as opposing any use of alcohol as a beverage.
(2) That we urge the Congress of the United States to pass laws prohibiting the advertising of any kind of alcoholic beverage on television or radio.
(3) That we urge the Congress to pass laws prohibiting the dispensing of any kinds of alcoholic beverages on airplanes and other public conveyances.
(4) That we request the Executive Committee through its executive secretary to send a copy of this resolution to the members of Congress.