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Resolution On The Handicapped

WHEREAS, We believe that God’s love and the ministry of his church reaches to all people, and

WHEREAS, The handicapped members of our society are often prevented by physical and attitudinal barriers from participation in the life and ministry of our faith,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That we commend those churches, associations, state conventions, and agencies of the Southern Baptist Convention who have made the appropriate architectural changes in their buildings and expressed a positive attitude to facilitate the involvement of the handicapped in the total program of their particular institution.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That we encourage the local congregations, associations, state conventions, as well as the Executive Committee and Baptist Sunday School Board and other agencies of our denomination to utilize available resources and information of public and voluntary agencies to determine how best to motivate the caring concern necessary to minister with and to persons who are handicapped. As we seek to involve the handicapped and their families in the ongoing life of the church, work may be needed in helping persons with handicaps to grow socially, emotionally, and spiritually. In this manner the Christian community acknowledges that both their struggles and gifts are important in the family of God.

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That we believe the handicapped are useful and employable both for voluntary and salaried jobs. We, therefore, encourage the various bodies of the Southern Baptist Convention to make use of their talents.