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Resolution On Restoration Of Trust In Local Churches

WHEREAS, There is an ever-increasing number of our local Southern Baptist churches experiencing conflict and inner-church power struggles; and

WHEREAS, This is in direct contrast to the teachings of the head of the church, the Lord Jesus Christ, “By this shall men know you are my disciples, if you have love one for another” (John 13:35); and

WHEREAS, Love involves trust, and our choice not to trust one another has diminished our witness and our mission at home and around the world; and

WHEREAS, There are alternative strategies for reconciliation rather than church/pastor/staff dismissals, such as: A reaffirmation of biblical methods (Matthew 18:15-17) in resolving conflicts; a commitment to patience and trust; and requesting third-party consultation.

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED by the 131st Convention of Southern Baptists, meeting in San Antonio, Texas, June 14-16, 1988, that we pledge ourselves to diligent intercessory prayer: (1) For our local churches in conflict and in need of spiritual healing; (2) for pastors and church staff members who have been dismissed for whatever reason; (3) for the Convention’s Involuntary Termination Work Group seeking to develop a strategy to educate and assist local churches and church leadership in biblical concepts of conflict resolution; and (4) for our testimony to the world that they may see Christ through our relationships.