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Resolution On Reaching The World Through The Cooperation Program

WHEREAS, The Cooperative Program was adopted by Southern Baptists in 1925 as a means of fulfilling our Lord’s Great Commission of reaching the world for Jesus Christ; and

WHEREAS, Since that day our work has been bountifully blessed of God in growth, mission expansion, evangelism, unity and with gifts now averaging more than one million dollars a day, supporting 3,953 foreign missionaries and 4,868 home missionaries, in addition to a variety of other denominational programs and ministries; and

WHEREAS, The Cooperative Program is the primary way in which Southern Baptists fund world missions, evangelism projects, college ministry, Christian education, new church planting, language missions, benevolent and relief projects, and a host of other Godly endeavors; and

WHEREAS, The Cooperative Program continues to be a model for denominations with societal-type missionary organizations; and

WHEREAS, Our world now exceeds five billion people, of which the vast majority need the saving, biblical, good news of Jesus Christ.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That we the messengers to the 1993 Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Houston, Texas, June 15-17, 1993, return thanks to God for giving to us a vision of world missions and for giving to us the vehicle of the Cooperative Program and the blessings that both have brought in recent decades; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That we commend every Baptist church that shares this vision and gives faithfully to the Cooperative Program to reach the world for Jesus Christ; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That we commit ourselves to continuing and increased support for cooperative missions so that all people might hear the gospel; and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That, in light of the urgency of the hour, we strongly encourage all Southern Baptists to consider God’s will in this matter, and to prayerfully consider increasing their support for world evangelization through gifts to the Cooperative Program.