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Resolution On Prayer

WHEREAS, The 1744 Concert of Prayer promoting agreement and unity in prayer issued forth in The First Great Awakening in America; and

WHEREAS, Baptists Stephen Gano and Isaac Backus issued a national summons to prayer in 1794 which preceded the Second Great Awakening; and

WHEREAS, We understand that The Prayer Revival of 1857-58 made a profound impact on the spiritual and moral fiber of our nation, resulting in over one million conversions in that brief time period.

Therefore, be it RESOLVED, That we, the messengers of the Southern Baptist Convention, meeting in San Antonio, Texas, June 14-16, 1988, acknowledge the absolute necessity of prayer for the spiritual well being of the church and our Convention, and effective evangelism in the world; and

Be it further RESOLVED, That we encourage each Southern Baptist to pray daily for revival of the people of God in a mighty sweeping spiritual awakening; and

Be it further RESOLVED, That we encourage each Southern Baptist to pray for a renewed zeal for missions and evangelism, which will issue forth in the conversion of lost sinners; and

Be it further RESOLVED, That each Southern Baptist church be challenged to establish and emphasize a ministry of prayer; and

Be it further RESOLVED, That all Southern Baptists, in accordance with God’s word, pray for those who have rule over us; and

Be it finally RESOLVED, That all Southern Baptists be encouraged to participate in The National Missions Prayer Plan, The National Prayer Corps (Sunday School Board), The Concerts of Prayer (Foreign Mission Board), The Prayer for Spiritual Awakening (Home Mission Board), the prayer emphases of the Woman’s Missionary Union and Brotherhood, and to support the Bold Mission Prayer Thrust.