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Resolution On Individual Conscience And War

WHEREAS, Southern Baptists uphold the authority of the Bible in matters of faith, and

WHEREAS, We uphold the right and responsibility of the individual to interpret the Scriptures for himself under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, and

WHEREAS, It has been our experience that both conscientious objection to, and conscientious participation in war are two seemingly opposite stances derived from the Bible, and purported to have love as their motivation and justification, and

WHEREAS, Both conscientious participation and conscientious objections are undertaken as Christian attitudes in good conscience,

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, That we honor our traditional belief in the freedom of the individual conscience under God and support both our youth who, as a matter of conscience, choose to participate in war and those who, as a matter of conscience, object to participation in war, extending them assistance in exercising their rights and privileges as permitted under law.