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Resolution On Gambling

WHEREAS, The Southern Baptist Convention has spoken on numerous occasions about the harmful effects of gambling; and

WHEREAS, Many states are now allowing legal state lotteries; and

WHEREAS, Many states are now in the midst of a battle about state supported lottery and a national lottery is being advocated by some; and

WHEREAS, Various forms of gambling have become commonplace on Indian lands and other forms of gambling, such as pari-mutuel racing, jai-alai, and casino, might in the future be established on Indian lands; and

WHEREAS, Federal law does not allow for any regulatory role on the part of states concerning Indian lands located therein.

Therefore, be it RESOLVED, That we, the messengers of the Southern Baptist Convention, meeting in St. Louis, Missouri, June 16-18, 1987, express our alarm and concern about the growth of legalized gambling and lottery in the nation and the attendant problems of organized crime, adequate regulation, compulsive gambling, and preying upon the poor; and

Be it further RESOLVED, That we declare our strong conviction that in those states having legalized gambling, state government has the responsibility of providing the most effective regulation possible; and

Be it finally RESOLVED, That we call upon Congress to enact legislation currently pending which would guarantee the right of state governments to regulate gambling activity occurring within their boundaries including Indian lands.