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Resolution On Freedom 76

WHEREAS, The occasion of America’s Bicentennial is a time for affirming our nation’s history and spiritual heritage; and

WHEREAS, FREEDOM ’76, a meeting of students and young adults, will be held in San Antonio, Texas, December 28, 1975 to January 1, 1976; and

WHEREAS, The purpose of FREEDOM ’76 is to present innovative Christian approaches to citizenship, vocation, the home, and the church’s mission; and

WHEREAS, FREEDOM ’76 will be sponsored by more than a dozen agencies of the Southern Baptist Convention;

Therefore, be it RESOLVED, That we, the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Miami Beach, Florida in June, 1975, express our support for FREEDOM ’76 as an affirmation of our Baptist heritage and a commitment to Baptist principles in the future of the nation; and

Be it further RESOLVED, That we call on the churches of the Southern Baptist Convention to encourage college students and young adults to participate in FREEDOM ’76.