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Resolution On Black And Ethnic Involvement

WHEREAS, The Southern Baptist Convention now spreads from Alaska to Puerto Rico and from the Atlantic to the Pacific; and

WHEREAS, Over 5,000 churches within the Southern Baptist family represent the black and ethnic community utilizing 80 different languages; and

WHEREAS, The baptismal ratio among this segment of the family is better than 1 to 13; and

WHEREAS, Along with the numerical gains and missionary responsibility, there has been an emergence of strong leadership, pulpit ability, denominational fidelity, and administrative capability; and

WHEREAS, It is in the best interest of the Southern Baptist Convention to utilize and encourage these individuals by involving them in places of responsible leadership.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the messengers of the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 14-16, 1983, commend those responsible for placing ethnics and blacks on denominational programs on every denominational level; and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That we encourage all agencies, boards, and committees to seek out ethnic and black leadership from within the Southern Baptist family from all sections of our Convention to serve on boards, committees, commissions, and programs of the Southern Baptist Convention so as to reflect more completely the oneness in Christ and a stronger influence for our Lord everywhere and with everyone.