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Resolution On Appreciation For Convention Service

WHEREAS, The messengers of the Southern Baptist Convention are again enjoying the hospitality of the gracious people of St. Louis, Missouri; and

WHEREAS, The Southern Baptists of the Greater St. Louis area and the Missouri Baptist Convention have untiringly striven to make this convention a success; and

WHEREAS, Wallace Jones, pastor of Fee Fee Baptist Church of Bridgeton, Missouri, has effectively served as chairman of the local arrangements committee for the third consecutive St. Louis convention; and

WHEREAS, The officers and committees of the Southern Baptist Convention have worked diligently in preparing for the Convention to effectively do its work; and

WHEREAS, President Adrain Rogers and all elected officers have served well in leading this Convention; and

WHEREAS, The media personnel covering this Convention have thoroughly covered the deliberations and other pertinent activities of this Convention.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention, meeting in St. Louis, Missouri, June 16-18, 1987, express our profound gratitude to everyone whose efforts have contributed to the positive spirit and the overall effectiveness of this annual meeting.