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Resolution On Appreciation For Convention Officers

WHEREAS, The number of Southern Baptists and their diverse nature present unusual and sometimes perplexing problems of logistics and programs in the year’s work as well as in the annual convention, but also present tremendous opportunities for Christian witness and stewardship, and

WHEREAS, These problems and opportunities demand the finest and most statesmen-like energies of the Convention officers, and those who have served their fellow Southern Baptists this year have done so with zeal, dignity, and effectiveness.

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, That the messengers assembled at Atlanta this June 1978 express their sturdy thanks to
President Jimmy R. Allen,
Vice-presidents Olan Runnel and Richard Sutton,
Recording Secretary Martin Bradley,
Registration Secretary Lee Porter,
Executive Secretary-Treasurer Porter Routh,
and commend them for work well done as good and faithful servants.