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Resolution On A New Liberty Bell

WHEREAS, In Philadelphia, the first capital of the United States, liberty was proclaimed throughout the land as on numerous occasions of public interest the original Liberty Bell rang forth clearly and daringly and stirringly, and

WHEREAS, That original Liberty Bell has been silent since the funeral of Chief Justice John Marshall, and

WHEREAS, The Southern Baptist Convention through the years has been an advocate of liberty, and

WHEREAS, We as messengers are proud to be Americans and wish to give testimony of this fact.

Therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Southern Baptist Convention petition the President and Congress of the United States for a new “LIBERTY BELL” (one that will ring) to be a part of the Bicentennial Celebration of the 200th anniversary of our country in 1976, and

Be it further RESOLVED, That the President and Congress be petitioned to provide the land for this patriotic symbol, but that the people of the United States provide the funds for the building and new “LIBERTY BELL” with no gift over one dollar from any one individual so as to allow as many as so desire to have a part, and

Be it further RESOLVED, That this desire for a new “LIBERTY BELL” is in no way to suggest that the original Liberty Bell is to cease to have its great silent influence.