WHEREAS, Millions of people throughout the world today are denied the benefits of religious, economic, and political freedom by communism and other forms of tyranny; and
WHEREAS, The denial of these benefits is most conspicuous in those lands, either formerly or now dominated by a state church; and
WHEREAS, In such countries as Italy, Spain, and certain South American states minority religious groups are subjected to persecution by the Roman Catholic hierarchy;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in annual session in Houston, Texas, May 6-10, 1953, extends to all such people our sympathy and the assurance of our prayers.
FURTHER, We reaffirm our historic and traditional adherence to the principles of free men and a free church in a free state, and at the same time again call upon all our Baptist people and all other people of good will to demonstrate such quality of living as is consonant with these principles.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That we petition the President of the United States and the State Department to employ such positive measures as may be necessary to relieve these distressing conditions and redress these wrongs.