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In Support Of Timely Review For Judicial Nominations

WHEREAS, The biblical witness reveals that God has ordained civil government to serve good and punish evil (Romans 13:1-6); and

WHEREAS, Scripture warns that the neglect or subversion of justice is an abomination to God (Proverbs 17:15), with destructive moral and spiritual consequences for families and culture (Judges 21:25); and

WHEREAS, Article II of the Constitution of the United States confers to the President the power to appoint judges with the advice and consent of the full Senate; and

WHEREAS, The President of the United States has fulfilled his constitutional obligation by nominating well-qualified persons to fill existing judicial vacancies; and

WHEREAS, The Senate has failed to fulfill its constitutional obligation to act upon the nominations pending before its body; and

WHEREAS, The Senate Judiciary Committee is engaged in an unprecedented obstructionism, with many of the nominations pending for over a year; and

WHEREAS, Judicial nominees deserve to receive a fair hearing and a timely decision on their nomination; and

WHEREAS, There is nearly a twenty-percent vacancy rate on the United States Courts of Appeals; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in St. Louis, Missouri, June 11-12, 2002, recognize that a judicial vacancy crisis exists; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we affirm the President for his timely nomination of well-qualified candidates to fill judicial vacancies; and be it finally

RESOLVED, That we urge the Senate Judiciary Committee to act in a fair and timely manner upon the President’s nominations and that we urge fair and final consideration by the full Senate.