If you read the news, you know there are millions of displaced
people in the world.
Today in our prayer time we are going to look at eastern Thailand,
near the border with Myanmar, once called Burma. The Shan
people make up about 10 percent of Myanmar’s population. But in
recent years they have clashed with the government. Thousands
have moved to Thailand and live in refugee camps, searching for
jobs and better conditions.
We have sent two of our missionaries, Todd and Katie Miller, to
reach the Shan people in Thailand. Our church supports the Millers
through our Cooperative Program giving.
Most Shan people are Buddhists. Todd and Katie see them visit
temples to ask for blessings. But some of the Shans have begun
hearing about the Christian gospel. When Todd and Katie drove
into a village recently, a man flagged them down. He pleaded
with them to come to his home and tell him about Jesus. Later he
prayed to receive Christ.
Today let’s ask God to keep Todd and Katie and their three children
safe as they serve in Thailand. Let’s pray they will reach many of
the Shan people for Christ.