IMB worker Mark Bustrum says, “Working with national partners is vital to long-term ministry… [because they] have keen and unique insights into their culture.” He and his wife, Hannah, learn from their national partners so that they can be “more impactful with the Gospel” where they live. He continues, “We don’t do our work apart from our local partners.”
The Bustrums, along with their partners, have taken ownership of the mission to bring the Gospel to unreached people in their European city. As such, God led them to plant a church in 2019. They have been meeting and developing leaders to lead the church and its ministries. Soon, it will become an independent, self-supported church. Mark believes this type of relationship will be key to reaching the unreached in their city and beyond.
THE COOPERATIVE PROGRAM is the financial fuel for reaching every person for Jesus Christ in every town, every city, every state, and every nation. Your support through the Cooperative Program gives missionaries like the Bustrums opportunities to build partnerships with local believers so more people can be reached with the Gospel of Jesus.
PRAY for the Bustrums and their continued partnerships among national believers and missionaries.
For more about this story, visit: https://www.imb.org/2020/09/14/missionaries-partnership-portuguese-leaders