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Kirk & Karen Kirkland

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Kirk Kirkland was raised in Dayton, Ohio. When God called he and his family to plant a church, the Holy Spirit led them an hour south to Cincinnati.

The Kirklands had success planting a church in the city, but did so without any denominational connection. As they looked to start a second church in the city, the Kirklands learned about the Southern Baptist Convention and how sharing the same mission means SBC churches can do more together than any single church can do alone.

In partnering with the SBC, through the Cooperative Program, Kirk and Karen Kirkland have received support and encouragement from sister churches in the area as well as people reaching out from across North America.

THE COOPERATIVE PROGRAM is the financial fuel for reaching every person for Jesus Christ in every town, every city, every state, and every nation. Your support through the Cooperative Program helps church planters like the Kirklands reach even more people in their community for Jesus through the planting of new churches.

PRAY for the Kirklands as they launch their new church plant in Cincinnati in an effort to reach even more people with the Gospel.