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Kevin & Lisa Brown

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Today let’s pray for two of our missionaries serving in Southeast
Asia. We’ll call them Kevin and Lisa Brown. That’s not their real

Listen to this part: They serve in a place where it is illegal – I said
illegal – to tell someone about Jesus. So planting new churches
is difficult and dangerous. Also, the land is so rough that travel is
hard. Still, they have begun to line up local believers to help start
churches, and many people have become Christians.

Ask yourself: How does a missionary learn to start churches? Most
of our missionaries study church planting in one of our six Southern
Baptist seminaries. Kevin and Lisa studied at Southeastern
Seminary – that’s in Wake Forest, North Carolina. Southeastern
has a special “2+3” program that let them start taking classes
on campus, but then finish their studies while serving overseas.

Our church supports Southeastern and the other seminaries –
and Kevin and Lisa – through our Cooperative Program giving.

Let’s pray for our missionaries today and ask God to keep them
safe and bless their work with many new believers – and many
churches! Let’s also thank God for our seminaries that faithfully
train our missionaries year after year.