Today in our prayer time we will pray for two missionaries who
have served 15 years in East Asia. We’ll call them Jeremiah and
Joy Farmer. Even here, we won’t use their real names because
they face threats every day where they serve. Our church supports
them through our Cooperative Program giving.
When the Farmers were called to East Asia, the population was
650 million people – and 80 percent of them had never heard of
Jesus. It was an overwhelming challenge! How could they reach
so many? To prepare, Jeremiah attended Southwestern Baptist
Theological Seminary. That’s our school in Fort Worth, Texas.
It’s one of six seminaries our church supports, again through our
Cooperative Program.
Now let’s count the miracles God sent! Over the last 15 years,
Jeremiah and Joy have seen more than 700 churches planted;
two and a half million people have heard the gospel and 45,000
lost people have come to faith in Christ! More than 2,500 leaders
have been trained.
All this has happened in a region that’s hostile to Christianity!
Now, let’s thank God for these missionaries – and our school
that helped them prepare to serve. Let’s ask for more missionaries
to go help!