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CP Stories

CP Stories—a missions resource showing the local, national, and global impact of the Cooperative Program—is a weekly journal and prayer guide for churches, which tells of missions work of the International Mission Board (IMB), the North American Mission Board (NAMB), and state conventions.

Ministry Reports

Ministry Reports are the compilation of SBC entity responses to questions, and related reports, presented in separate groupings. These groupings are: President’s letter, Ministry Inquiries, Ministry Goals and Accomplishments, and Financial Statements. Each seminary includes an additional report; Seminary Formula and ATS Report.


A resolution has traditionally been defined as an expression of opinion or concern, as compared to a motion, which calls for action. A resolution is not used to direct an entity of the Southern Baptist Convention to specific action other than to communicate the opinion or concern expressed. Resolutions are passed during the annual Convention meeting. Submit a Resolution

SBC Annuals

SBC Annuals are a summary of the year around the SBC, and are delivered at the SBC Annual Meeting each year.   To access SBC Annuals pre-2005, visit the Southern Baptist Historical Library & Archives link here:

Trustee Contacts

These directories provide contact information for all SBC trustees.

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